“We all need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, and especially more laughter. I want to contribute to that.”

— Original Quote Ellen DeGeneres

Mental Health and Well-Being Leslie Riopel Mental Health and Well-Being Leslie Riopel

How Lucy Let Go of the Need to Figure Things Out

Once upon a time, in a small town filled with quirky characters, there lived a woman named Lucy. Lucy had always been a planner, organizing her life down to the tiniest detail. She had charts, schedules, and to-do lists for everything imaginable. From planning her meals to planning her vacations, Lucy had it all under control. But one day, as Lucy sat down to make yet another detailed plan for her future, she felt a sudden surge of curiosity. "What if," she thought to herself, "I let go of my need to plan everything? What if I opened myself up to unexpected blessings and miracles?"

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