“We all need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, and especially more laughter. I want to contribute to that.”

— Original Quote Ellen DeGeneres

Social Health and Well-Being Leslie Riopel Social Health and Well-Being Leslie Riopel

Lucy’s Hilarious Experience With Relationship Repetition Syndrome 

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Pineville, there lived a woman named Lucy. Lucy had a peculiar condition called Relationship Repetition Syndrome, where she found herself caught in a never-ending loop of unfulfilling relationships. It seemed like every man she met was cut from the same cloth, just with different names and faces. Oh, the things she had seen! Every time Lucy embarked on a new romantic journey, she couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarities between her lovers. Whether it was their obsession with video games, their inability to fold laundry properly, or their knack for always forgetting important dates, it was like she was stuck in an endless cycle of Groundhog Day.

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