Finding HOPE

Do you find it challenging to sometimes find Hope?

You are not alone.

I spent many years searching for Hope.

I looked for Hope in all the wrong places and in all the wrong faces. 

Searching for Hope has been an exhausting journey.

There were days I didn’t think I’d make it.

Finding Hope has been challenging but the darkness has made me stronger.

Through it all my strength grew.

I preserved.

I overcame.

I kept going.

Within every moment I continued to search for Hope.

One day while meditating I asked the question again - how can I find Hope?

And on this day a tiny, sweet voice answered back. 

My child, Hope has always been a part of your journey. Your spirit is the Hope. You are the Hope. You are the joy. You are the richness. You are the love. Everything is already yours. Just drink it in and give it some space to breathe.

And with my next deep breath I finally acknowledged the Hope that had always been a part of me.

I vowed to never lose Hope again.


Introducing the Finding HOPE Chat Series.

How are you feeling? We want to know! We want to have an honest conversation about Hope. Won't you join us in the quest to Find Hope?

  • We'd like to know how you find Hope in your life?

  • What are some things you can share?

  • How can we lift each other up and Find Hope together?

Join us each week on Monday evenings as we come together in Hope!

The Finding HOPE Chat series starts on Monday September 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM. Stay tuned for more details and how you can join us for this transformative live session!


Leslie Riopel and Charles Betterton.


How to Quiet Your Mind and Hear that Inner Voice


Ella’s Gift for Tapping into the Energy of Resolution